1. types of deposit products

**Deposit product type**

**1. Checking Deposit**

A checking account is a deposit product that you can sign up for or withdraw from every day. It pays a low interest rate but is highly liquid, making it a popular choice for emergency funds.

**2. Term Deposit**

A term deposit is a product where you deposit a certain amount of money for a certain period of time and receive interest at maturity. The interest rate is relatively high, but there may be a certain fee for early termination.

**3. Savings**

A savings account is a product where you save a certain amount of money each month and deposit it for a certain period of time, so that you can receive both interest and principal at maturity. You’re limited by the fact that you can’t change the amount you deposit over a period of time, but you can earn a steady stream of interest.

**4. Special Deposits**

A deposit product that allows banks to withdraw deposits for a limited period of time and in a limited amount. The interest rate may be higher than regular deposits, but it is characterized by limited withdrawal opportunities.

**5. Confidential Deposits**

Security deposits are a type of deposit product that provides a loan guarantee, meaning that if you deposit a certain amount of money, you are guaranteed a loan for that amount. They offer relatively high interest rates and are popular among consumers with small amounts of money.